Glass Restoration
Window Film Service
licensed • bonded • insured • experienced
Since 1996
FAQ Glass Restoration
How does it work?
Our glass restoration systems are engineered to remove scratches, acid etching, staining and mineral deposits from virtually any type of glass. Some systems are more aggressive, removing material from the surface of the glass which is followed up by polishing systems that rearrange the molecules on the surface and restore the clarity of the glass
Will polishing make the glass weaker?
No! The heaviest polishing reduces the thickness of 1/4" glass by only about 2%. A scratch left in glass actually makes glass weaker since the scratch becomes a focal point for any stress on the glass. Polishing removes this precise focal point so that any stress introduced will be spread more evenly over the glass. Think about how glass is cut. A line is scored on its surface then stressed until it breaks cleanly along the scored line. No scored line means no focal point for stresses.
Can tinted glass be polished? What about Low-e glass?
Yes! True tinted glass is a consistent color throughout the glass and not simply a coating on one side or other. If glass is tinted with a film on one side polishing on the opposite side of the glass will not disturb the film.
Low-e glass has a coating on one side of the glass and is typically found on insulated glass units (dual pane). On Insulated glass units the coating will be installed on the inside to protect it from mechanical damage and the both the interior and exterior sides of the of the I.G. unit can be polished effectively.
Can it be use on tempered glass?
Absolutely, it actually works very efficiently on tempered glass becuase of the glass density. The system works equally well on laminated, curved, plate and mirrored glass. It can also be used on virutally any thickness of glass, including single strength.
Glass vandalized with acid. Can you repair it?
Yes! We successfully repair glass that has been damaged by acid etching. As with scratches it depends on the nature and extent of the damage but we have achieved excellent results with this type vandalism.
Does the glass need to be removed?
No. We work on your glass, at your site, where it is installed. Our polishing systems are completely portable and our service is designed around that fact.
Is there a chance the glass will be broken?
We have broken glass playing baseball but never while polishing glass. Think of it as buffing out the damage much the same way you would use and electric buffer on your cars paint. Our equipment is more sophisticated, but the idea is the same.
How much does it cost?
We polish out specific damage in glass. Our price is based on repairing that damage, not on the size of the glass. Give us a call and we will be happy to visit your site to provide free written and itemized quotes on any damage you might have. Most work we do saves 25% to 50% on the cost of replacing glass. On some large expensive pieces we have saved customers over 90% on the cost of replacement!
Water spots or mineral deposits on glass. What can be done?
Water spottting is caused by minerals in water being left on glass after the water has evaporated away. Poorly adjusted landscaping irrigation sprinklers and rainwater that has run down the side of a building picking up minerals are both notorious for causing this problem. Left on the surface for too long these minerals bond themselves to glass and can only be removed with chemicals or glass polishing. Contact us to assess the damage and we'll tell you what is required to restore the glass to original.